Thursday, April 13, 2006

Off Quilting

No photos today. I have had a quiet week with nothing to show.

I am off on Good Friday down to Dunedin and Southern Quilts, Southern Women. It should be a lot of fun with four days of classes, shopping, lectures, exhibitions and smoozing. I am taking lots and lots of fabric half of which is my dyed fabrics - yum it was lots of fun to select the ones that I was going to take.

My purple hair has caused a lot of reaction at work and I hope to have as much fun with it in Dunedin too. I have had some people absolutely speechless and others who can barely keep their hands off it. It is fun, lots of fun.

I will be taking lots of photos so there will be something for everyone to look forward to when I get back and start to put them up next Wednesday (Tuesday for those of you in North America).

Have fun while I am away, I certainly will be having lots of fun and a little bit of mischief added in for good measure.

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