Saturday, April 09, 2005

rain, rain go away

I know that we need the rain for the paddocks but it is so cold and miserable. The fire is on which is good and the cats have all the good spots close to the fire. I somehow think there will be no biking today (I am not that stoic). I have already been playing with some new stamps that I bought (for printing onto fabric) and they were great. I think I will get the water colour paints out later and have a play with some new paper that I have bought and see what sort of mess I can come up with. Sure as eggs I will have a little helper want to walk through it all and have coloured paw prints everywhere - could add to the texture! Must get on and get some cards finished for a swap - I have the backgrounds done and now it is just to decorate them a little more to finish off. I really must pull myself together and get some fibre ones done too.

And now back to the warmth of the fire.

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