Saturday, March 26, 2005

43 things again

Well I gave myself a small list here, not quite the 43 things. It felt good initially but then I started to feel as though I had a list of New Year Resolutions - those near impossible dreams of good intentions. I have cut the list down to three items, two are hard goals and one is a softer goal. There are always going to be things that I want to do but priorities change and they all tend to come and go.

At the moment I want to try making Artist Trading Cards and have been finding out what I can about them and have joined an internet group (well trying to join). I think they would be a great way to try out ideas on a small scale - a great creative outlet without it becoming a large project. Obviously I want to do them with fabric and fibre using my own dyed fabrics and decorating them with threads, beads, stamps, applique. So let's see how that goes.

1 comment:

Janey said...

You really do like lists too. I trade ATCs so if you'd like to trade, just send me a note and we'll add it to our respective lists.