Friday, May 19, 2006

Where are my glasses?

I know I had them on yesterday but I had them on and off during the day as I was doing various tasks. I was sure I had them on when I went outside to do some photographs of some fenceposts that look interesting but the photos were not quite what I was wanting. I was sure that I had them on when I went out and got firewood as the sun was bright and my glasses are anti-glare. I know I didn't have them on when I went to check the crock pot for tea as they would have steamed up and I wouldn't have seen a thing. So WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?? I am usually very good and never, never misplace them but they are missing in action. I know I can cope without them - I just have to make sure I have sunglasses on hand for outdoors and I have my reading glasses and computer glasses for those more close up jobs. But WHERE ARE MY GLASSES?

1 comment:

Shirley Goodwin said...

Under a cushion on the settee?

Yes, I'm having a fusing frenzy. Just trying to find some images to inspire me for the next lot. If only I can get a sewing mood to strike next, I might get some stuff finished! Trouble is, I don't have nay control over them.