Well the blog has been quiet but that is all. There has been a lot going on that hasn't been at all creative or that I want to write about or share.
I am keen to get back into some printing and also have an idea for a quilt that I want to make. It involves making a lot of blocks and then cutting them up and sewing back together, nothing I haven't done before. It is the sort of thing that once you start it is hard to stop as it is so much fun.
I have my trip to the USA coming up soon and I have been doing a lot of planning for that and looking up lots of sites on the Web. I am travelling by myself and leaving my husband at home (he had his big trip earlier). I usually read a lot of books at night and in the mornings. This time I am planning to do a lot of writing/journalling as it is very portable and hopefully will be lots of fun. I am not a fan of a lot of hand sewing but have considered doing some crochet and knitting as well but I am not very proficient.
In fact I want to start writing more in those quiet moments while I might be waiting or sitting relaxing. I can't say that what I write will be riveting reading but it will be soothing for me.
I did catch up with some friends recently in Christchurch and it was wonderful to see them again, it makes me appreciate how valuable good friends are.
So, my promise to myself is to do something creative this weekend apart from a quilt that I have to bind for a friend's birthday.