Saturday, January 21, 2006


I want to be getting on and starting a new project, I know there are a lot that need to be finished but I want the excitement of starting something new. But what? I look at all my fabrics - I love them dearly but nothing calls to me. I wonder should I do some printing - I want to do some printing but again no strong direction comes to me. Should I do some silk paper - well yes that would be fun but to what end am I making the paper? If I have no goal, no inspiration then there is no creative spirit coming forward.

I do want to do some overdyeing on some pieces and have bought some more navy dye to add to my stash - I want to do some deep dark blues, reds and purples for the overdyes, then do some discharging and then some overdyeing again in pale washes. Hmmm, I might just get the fabric out, plan the ones to be used for overdyeing and decide on the colours for them. That will be a project for another weekend I think when I can dedicate some time.

I did notice on a couple of blogs that some dyers who put their dye on with a brush then let the fabric dry (flat). I am not sure of the benefits of that but it could be an interesting way of putting the dark overdye colours on which could be quite rough with the brushing and leaving streaks of light colours as well as a small amount of scrunching to cause some texture as well.

But I still need to get on and find some inspiration to start a new project.

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