Monday, December 26, 2005

Company at Christmas

What is it about people that they cannot conceive that there are some people who want to be by themselves, even at Christmas. I got to the stage I had to tell lies about what I would be doing on Christmas Day just to have peace. I was happy to be by myself afterall it is just another day. Admittedly I did decide to clean off the kitchen table and put all my quilting things away - Christine was coming on Boxing Day - and I wanted things to be tidy for the two days. And of course my Christmas treat was a box of Cherry liquor chocolates - yum, although I didn't actually eat many. And utter decadence, I made a chocolate cate - nothing fancy just a plain microwave cake that wasn't quite as good as an oven cooked one but it was good. '

Christmas Eve was a wonderful hot day and so what did Christmas Day do - it was wet and cold and then of course come Boxing Day it was wonderful and not again - grrrr.

The water is still not right - still that smell of sulphur. Oh, that is right I forgot to mention that the neighbour forgot to shut an irrigation gate one night and flooded our property - really flooded the place well - the poor cats were trapped in the house as it was totally surrounded by water. Thankfully it wasn't too too high but darn well high enough. And I think that some of the water may have seeped into the tank. Although I don't like to think of that because it has never happened before - I mean why doesn't it seep in when it rains or is there not enough to cause a problem them but with the flooding and all the shit and much that is carried in the water there was. I keep trying to think that it is the Council that is at fault but then surely someone else would have complained about it surely? I keep hoping that eventually I will get ahead of whatever is infecting the water and eventually dilute it out - dreams are free.

Christine's quilt just needs the binding now to finish off and of course a label. She has decided that she would like to hang it on the wall at first so I will put a hanging sleeve on it for her. So to give her a bed quilt I have given her my dyed fabric quilt - the one that I hand quilted all my old microwave dyed fabrics - it is a wonderful and colourful quilt with a very simple four patch and half square triangle blocks.

It was wonderful to catch up with Christine and to spend a couple of hours with her. Ritchie is wonderful too - he is so easy to talk to and comfortable to be with.

And now back to life as we know it . Must set up the sewing machine and start to do some more work on my WIPs and UFOs. The garden needs some work (clearing weeds) and I must do some more housework - dusting would be a start.

And thankfully people left me alone at Christmas - I was worried that I would have lots of people checking up on me but in the end they left me alone which is what I had wanted all along. Phew!

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