Saturday, October 22, 2005

Creative Urge

My creative urge seems to be waning at the moment. I am keen to start something new but just cannot find something that calls to me. There are lots of ideas that I am keen on but again nothing stands out. I really must get into my stash and start to use it more but when I decide go look through for a set of colours there doesn't seem to be much selection - if I want a dark blue they all seem to be medium or pale or too patterned or not quite the right colour or shade. I have been dyeing lots of fabric lately so the creative urge hasn't quite left me but when it comes to making a decision to overdye some fabric or do some printing then I seem to not quite find the time or the weather is wrong or some other reason. I am the same with housework at the moment too - mind you I am always like that with the house work.

When Ken is away for his two months sabbatical then I really must get stuck in to all the things that are sitting waiting for me. There is so much to be finished off with my patchwork and I really must put Christine's quilt together and start to quilt it for her. I thought I might set up the sewing machine on the dining table which will give me lots of extra light during the day and at night I can have the TV on for company. I really should dive into 43 things and add my plans to that - I really don't go there much but it is a good place to put those sorts of private lists. Ahh those secretive little lists that I have on bits of paper in my pockets and in notebooks. I keep meaning to have a book of lists and one day I will have one - it can be an art book too with doodles in it and some pictures just to give interest in it. Another of my wonderful ideas that really doesn't seem to go far I suppose.

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